Automated Site Alerts

Automated Emailed Alerts

Site Visit Alerts are automatically emailed when someone at a company lands on and clicks through your website.  The Alerts provide data you can use to learn more about the visitor so that you can better service their needs.  The information provide on the Alerts are the following…

  • Company Name:The first item displayed is the Company owner of the visiting IP Address that the traffic was generated from.
  • Research Bridges: Under the company name you will see icons which if you click on them…allow you to easily research the company in the alert on LinkedIn and Google. The buttons are links with the necessary information to start your research and build new relationships.
  • Company City: This is the city (if available) of the Company as registered in our IP Geolocation databases.
  • Company State: This is the state/province (if available) of the Company as registered in our IP Geolocation databases.
  • Company Country: This is the country (if available) of the Company as registered in our IP Geolocation databases.

B2B Lead Activity Arrival Information

MergedAnalytics Site Reports also explains how the B2B lead arrived on your blog, landing page, and/or web site. The IP Address, the site domain they started from, if from a search site the keywords they searched on, and the referring URL.

  • IP Address: The IP Address of the B2B Lead when they visited your site.
  • Referer: The domain the B2B  Lead was on when they navigated to your site. So, if on a search engine  like Google or Bing, the it would say “Google” or “Bing”, otherwise it  just states the domain of the site they were on previously.
  • Keywords: If the  B2B Lead arrived at your blog, landing page, and/or website via a search  performed at a search engine, then the keywords they used for that  search will be listed here.
  • Referring Page: This is the full URL of the page that referred the B2B Lead to your blog, landing page, and/or web site.
  • Review ALL Activity – this is a link to your Macro Reporting Portal where you can view the Macro trends and data regarding your website Visitors.

Special Tagging

MergedAnalytics enables you to specially tag any incoming B2B Leads that  arrive as a result of other marketing effort, for example Google AdWords.

As you can see in the following capture the incoming referring  page had a special tag so it was marked as a Google AdWord tag.

The tags  are not limited to Google AdWords and can be from any type of marketing  efforts, as long as a portion of the referring URL contains a tag to  search for.

B2B Lead Complete Activity Information

 The final portion of the B2B Lead Activity Alert, explains what the B2B  lead did once they arrived on your blog, landing page, and/or web site.  It details the time and pages visited.

  • Track Date/Time The IP Address of the B2B Lead when they visited your site.
  • Referer: The domain the  B2B Lead was on when they navigated to your site. So, if on a search  engine like Google or Bing, then it would say “Google” or “Bing”,  otherwise it just states the domain of the site they were on previously.
  • Destination: If the  B2B Lead arrived at your blog, landing page, and/or website via a  search performed at a search engine, then the keywords they used for  that search will be listed here.