Your Website Could be an Untapped Gold Mine

Graphic designers, web developers , social media and SEO experts and content creators work so that your company website is as good as it could be as well as available to the general public. Campaigns are initiated to drive your target audience to your website.  You curate your website because it as an important part of your organization’s identity. Your website acts as a self-service extension of your brand. 

You post URL links like articles, invitations to events, blogs, new offerings, announcements, Press Releases etc to various social media sites and/or emails with the hope that your message is seen and is enough to drive your audience to your website.

Here is the problem – Statistically…Only 2% of ALL website visitors ever identify themselves to the website owner. That means you are completely unaware of the other 98% of the people who are clicking through your website anonymously never announcing themselves that they were there in the first place.  

There are many reasons people leave a website ranging from…

  • They got there accidentally
  • They are not interested anymore
  • The website is confusing and not easy to navigate
  • They may interpret your offerings in the wrong way
  • They may think your company is not the right fit
  • They get called away and forget to return later
  • Connectivity disruptions
  • And so on

You are able to figure out the amount of clicks your website is getting, but if you have no idea about the actual Company Names of the people clicking through your site…what value is your website really providing?

If someone is interested in buying something from your company…visits your website, fills out a form but has to abruptly leave for one of the reasons listed above…wouldn’t you want the opportunity to contact that company to make sure they found the information they were looking for?

Your website is an untapped gold mine.  There could be golden nuggets (opportunity) that can be capitalized on RIGHT NOW!  It is amazing how many organizations have no idea which companies are clicking through their website.

Visit Intel mines your posted URLs and website pages for golden nuggets that will result in opportunity

Luckily …there are tools that mine the endless gems your website can produce.

This is where MergedAnalytics fits into the story.

Visit Intel is the tool that will tell you…

  • The COMPANY NAMES of the people clicking through your website and posted URLs to social media/emails
  • How they found your website
  • What pages they went to and spent time on
  • And much more

MergedAnalytics will give you the entire journey of the people at companies who are interested in your company. 

The journey starts with that initial click from a short url….and goes on to other pages on your website that they visited. 

You will have insight as to…

  • How people are interacting with your brand
  • What COMPANIES they are from
  • How many times they return to your website
  • Time spent on each page and how many times they returned
  • The kind of people visiting your website ie. Prospects, Customers, Competitors, People you are trying to close deals with, people interested in working for your company.
  • So much more

Just like how one golden nugget can create a fortune…One good MergedAnalytics website visitor notification received can make all the difference in the world to an organization.  It could save an account, close a sale, get a great new hire , bid earlier on a deal.  The applications are endless. 

One good MergedAnalytics notification can pay for the use of Visit Intel for the entire year.

For more on how companies in different industries leverage MergedAnalytics….